Insert a graphic into body text

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With firesys you can insert a graphic at any place in the body text of your document:

A detailed explanation of the individual steps

This is how you insert a graphic from a file (into the body text):

  1. Point the cursor at the position in your Word document where you want to insert the graphics.

  2. In the “*Content” tab, click on the “Insert...” menu in the “Graphic” group and select “From file...”.

  3. You can insert graphics by clicking on the “Additional files” button, or by dragging the files directly to the corresponding button.

  4. Select the file you want to insert and confirm by clicking “OK”.
    → The graphic will be inserted

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Insert graphics
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a graphic
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphic into a table
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphic from PowerPoint/Excel (into body text)
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphic directly from Excel (into body text)

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