Insert graphic directly from Excel (into body text)

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Sie können mit firesys eine in Excel markierte Grafik direkt in Ihr Dokument einfügen:

A detailed explanation of the individual steps

    This is how you insert a graphic directly from Excel:

  1. In Excel, highlight the graphics that you want to import into Word as a linked graphics object.

  2. Go to the Word file and point the cursor where you want to insert the graphics.

  3. On the “*Content” tab in the “Graphics” menu, click “Insert...” and select “Directly from Excel”.
    → The graphic will be inserted

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Insert graphics
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a graphic
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a graphic into body text
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphic into a table
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphic from PowerPoint/Excel (into body text)

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