Insert graphic into a table

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You can insert graphics in tables that are not refreshed when the table is updated. This can be useful, for example, if you want to display symbols, logos or other graphics in a table.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

Diagrams which you have inserted with linkgraphics are not automatically updated when the file is updated, but can then be updated manually using the “Update graphic” or “Update all graphics” function.


A detailed explanation of the individual steps

    To insert a graphic into a table:

  • Point the cursor at the cell of the table where you want to insert the graphics.

  • In the “*Content” tab, click on the “Insert” menu in the “Graphic” group and select the menu item you require (“from file”, “from PowerPoint”, “from Excel” or “directly from Excel”).

  • Now follow the same steps as taken when inserting graphics into body text (see the instructions in the relevant section under “Insert graphic in text”)

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Insert graphics
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a graphic
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a graphic into body text
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphic directly from Excel (into body text)
Navigation rechts.svg Insert graphic from PowerPoint/Excel (into body text)

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