Rolling forward values from the MeetingPoint

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To ensure that firesys has a high degree of integrity in your everyday work, you have the option of using numerical values that are stored centrally in the MeetingPoint with the firesys-specific tools as well. In this way, you can also use the “roll forward” function on table columns that contain master values from the MeetingPoint.


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An overview of the functions

General information

Working with master values from the MeetingPoint and the “roll forward” function requires an identical procedure to a regular “roll forward” operation (for more information, see this article. However, it is important that you know which value type occurs in the table and whether or not this value refers directly to specific key dates. An introductory overview of the values saved in the MeetingPoint:

  • Image.Cell.Type.DatabaseValue.32.png Manual values

Go to the main article about inserting manual values


A manual value is a data record in the firesys MeetingPoint that must contain a numerical value and a name - and can also contain an optional comment.

  • Image.Cell.Type.ExcelValue.24.png Transmitter values

Go to the main article about inserting transmitter values


A transmitter value contains a numerical value which is found at a different location in the workbook, or in a different Excel workbook (transmitter values cannot be created in workbooks that are created by firesys).

  • Image.Cell.AccountValue.24.png Account values

Go to the main article about inserting account values


An account value is a data record in the firesys MeetingPoint that must contain a numerical value, a name, an associated account and a key date - it can also contain an optional free text.
Note: A unique combination of an account and a key date has to be assigned to an account value so that precisely one specific account value can be related to precisely one key date.

  • G38.png Account calculations

Go to the main article about inserting account calculations or account aggregate


A key date-independent account calculation or account aggregate always consists of the addition or subtraction of one or more accounts. For each key date, the account calculation and account aggregate are then available with the respective account values.

An account calculation and an account aggregate are only correct and valid if the corresponding key dates exist for all account values. You can use the “Add” function (on the “Management” tab page in the master value manager) to create a new account calculation or a new account aggregate. You can add together or subtract all accounts and account aggregates that are assigned to an account group (you define the subtraction by right-clicking on the respective account). This calculation result can also be enhanced with a mathematical operator that recalculates the result with the help of the factors defined above and where applicable this result can subsequently be rounded up to any number of decimal places. An account calculation and an account aggregate are automatically transferred to the MeetingPoint after it is created and is available to all key dates. The account calculations and account aggregates that are defined in the MeetingPoint can be inserted into all Excel workbooks in which firesys is used by using the “Insert” function on the “*Content“ tab page in the “Master values” group, and optionally also changed with a manual rounding value so that the results of the account calculation or account aggregate can be processed further.

These different value types are classified into key date-dependent and key date-independent worksheets with the following assignment:

Key date-independent worksheets Key date-dependent worksheets
Manually inserted values Account values
Formula cells (references/firesys formulas) Account calculations
References in the workbook
Transmitter values
Manual values

Key date-independent worksheet

A key date-independent worksheet is defined by the fact that only values were inserted that

  • were inserted manually
  • contain local references
  • contain references in the document
  • contain transmitter values or manual values from the MeetingPoint

EN Excel Werte einfügen Stichtagunabhängig.jpg

Key date-dependent worksheet

A key date-dependent worksheet is defined by the fact that in addition to the types of values listed under “Key date-independent worksheet”, account values or account calculations are also inserted from the MeetingPoint.

EN Excel Werte einfügen Stichtagabhängig.jpg


Worksheets can be rolled forward with key date-dependent worksheets only if

  • an account group was created in the MeetingPoint
  • at least two key dates exist in this account group

The roll forward process for these worksheets is described under XY. A difference is made between two cases:

Key date-dependent worksheet with (pre-)defined roll columns

If you have used an older version of firesys to define table columns to be rolled forward on worksheets, you have to assign an account group to all affected worksheets containing account values or calculations. In addition, all columns to be rolled forward must contain a key date.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

The key dates that are used for the table columns to be rolled forward with account values or calculations must be sorted in chronologically ascending order.

Key date-dependent worksheet without (pre-)defined roll columns

If you are using an Excel workbook that was not yet assigned columns to be rolled forward before the installation or before firesys version 20.1.0, you can define a cleanly structured “roll forward” process. In addition to the mandatory selection of an account group, you have to assign key dates to each column to be rolled forward containing account values or calculations.


If you have not yet assigned an account group to a worksheet that you would like to use for the “roll forward” function, the “Account group” drop-down list is crossed out. You can access the MeetingPoint and all account groups that are available in the drop-down list only once you have clicked in the field and the drop-down list opens.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg An overview of the rolling forward function
Navigation rechts.svg General information about the roll forward function
Navigation rechts.svg Rolling forward case studies

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