The list view in the Excel data manager

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Here you can find information on all Excel objects linked to the document. By double-clicking on an object in the window, you navigate to the relevant object and select it. You must close the Excel data manager before you can continue working in the Word document. To edit multiple objects at once, select these by holding down the shift or control key.

The list view

Current status
Image-Common-Manager-Status-UpToDate.png Up to date
Image-Common-Manager-Status-Outdated.png Outdated
Image-Common-Manager-Status-Unknown.png Unknown (perform status update)

Yellow vertical highlighting: layout warnings

Indicates layout issues between the Excel source and the Word document (manually changed cell widths in tables in Word, incorrect assignments of row types in Excel, missing font types for conditional formatting or struckthrough cells with content on your computer or else contents were found in struckthrough cells in Excel).

Yellow vertical highlighting: layout warnings

Orange vertical highlighting: content-related warnings

Indicates errors within the Excel source (such as a validation problem with toolsvalidation, division by zero, missing reference or missing languagewords translation).

Orange vertical highlighting: content-related warnings

Red vertical highlighting: problems

Indicates objects which cannot be updated because a problem has occurred. Expanding the object displays the problem and a solution suggestion.

Red vertical highlighting: problems

Additional information

Clicking on the left arrow expands the objects and shows additional information (see also “View”). In the problem/solution suggestion area, if applicable, an explanation is given why an object was not updated in the last update process. Here you will also find the toolsvalidation status information.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Insert contents from Excel into Word
Navigation rechts.svg An overview of the Excel data manager
Navigation rechts.svg The data object options in the Excel data manager
Navigation rechts.svg Update Excel contents

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