The StyleGuide

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Makes the text formats which were developed especially for your document according to the StyleGuide available in a separate task area.

<imagemap>Datei:Excel Gestaltung StyleGuide-Menü.jpg|1200px|center rect 3 75 200 187 Die Basisfunktionen von firesys rect 288 77 463 182 Texte_in_Excel_gestalten rect 464 74 541 180 Texte_in_Excel_gestalten#Highlight rect 545 73 643 183 Texte_in_Excel_gestalten#Bedingte_Formatierung rect 650 75 914 187 Excel-Bereiche rect 919 77 1105 186 Formeln rect 1110 75 1572 187 Ansichten_und_Kommentare_in_Excel desc none



You can call up the StyleGuide in the “*Layout” ribbon by clicking on the “StyleGuide” button in the “Formatting” group.

An additional work area then opens on the right-hand side of your Excel document. Here you see a list view of the styles that are available in firesys which help with designing tables.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

You can move the work area with the mouse by positioning the mouse in the header area near the “Format tables” heading. In this way, you can also use the work area directly next to your table or on a second screen.


You then select the cells you require in your table and double-click on the formatting you require in the StyleGuide to make changes to the selected text.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg An overview of the functions of the StyleGuide
Navigation rechts.svg Configure line types with firesys
Navigation rechts.svg Remove styles

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