The update and story functions in the content manager

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Version vom 18. Dezember 2019, 11:06 Uhr von O.wendt (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „ center|1000px == Update== === link=|16px U…“)
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Word Inhalt Content-Manager Aktualisierung&Partikelfunktionen.jpg


RxbtnUpdateDocument1 16.png Update selection

Checks and updates stories highlighted in the selection window.

RxbtnUpdateAllDocuments 16.png Update all

Checks and updates all stories in the master and generates an update report that also indicates whether problems occurred during the update.


Datei:RxbtnOpenPartDocument 16.png Open source

Opens the story or stories highlighted in the selection window.

Ordner öffnen

Opens the folder where the selected story is stored.


Checks and updates all stories in the master and creates an update report.


Saves the selected section as a separate file and integrates it as a story into the master.

RxbtnWriteBack 16.png Write back

Use this function to transfer any changes that you have entered in the master to the story document.

Image.Share.Remove.16.png Remove

Removes the story from the master.

Image.Share.Unlink.16.png Delete link

Removes the link to the story so that the story becomes part of the non-story area in the master.

RxbtnChangePartDocument 16.png Change source

Changes the file name or storage location (path) of the selected story.

Image.Common.Manager.Title.Edit.16.png Edit title

Create or edit the title of the selected object to make it easier to find it in the content manager or by using the “Search” function.

RxtglbtnCommnetsSet 16.png Edit comment

Create or edit the title of the selected object to make it easier to find it in the content manager or by using the “Search” function.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

You can remove a comment or a title at any time by deleting the text that was entered and clicking on “OK”.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg An overview of the content of the content manager
Navigation rechts.svg An overview of the content manager
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a story
Navigation rechts.svg Create a story
Navigation rechts.svg Write back a story

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