Settings in Word – graphics

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Version vom 3. Dezember 2019, 09:15 Uhr von O.wendt (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „== Graphic settings in Word == mini|upright=2.0|The view of the graphic settings in Word === Update === ==== Update…“)
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Graphic settings in Word

The view of the graphic settings in Word


Update data even if the Excel or PowerPoint source has not been saved

If you make a lot of format and structural changes in Excel or PowerPoint and it takes a long time to save the source file due to the network and/or file size, you can select this option to manually save the file once you have made all the changes. We recommend that you minimise your use of this option to ensure that only saved data is entered in the report.

Troubleshooting graphics during update

Delay update of graphics

Updating of graphics is delayed. Activate this option if graphics in stories are not displayed after updating in the master.

Force update of graphics

Graphics display is forced. Activate this option if graphics in stories are not displayed after they were updated in the master even though the “Delay updating of graphics” option is selected.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg Overview of inserting graphics into Word
Navigation hoch.svg The firesys settings in Word
Navigation rechts.svg Overview of the graphic manager interface
Navigation rechts.svg Insert a graphic
Navigation rechts.svg Update a graphic
Navigation rechts.svg The data from Excel settings in Word
Navigation rechts.svg The collaboration settings in Word

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