Highlight texts
You can find everything you need for formatting texts and layouts in your company’s design in the “*Layout” menu ribbon.
<imagemap>Datei:EN Word Gestaltung Text-formatieren Imagemap.jpg|center
rect 3 69 213 175 Die_Basisfunktionen_von_firesys
rect 217 70 288 175 Der_StyleGuide
rect 293 70 452 175 Texte_hervorheben
rect 459 70 614 95 Übersicht_der_Sonderzeichen
rect 457 97 611 124 Übersicht_der_Sonderzeichen#H.C3.A4ngender_Einzug.2A
rect 460 128 612 150 Übersicht_der_Sonderzeichen#Format_zur.C3.BCcksetzen
rect 623 71 729 98 Übersicht_Umbrüche
rect 624 100 725 123 Übersicht_Umbrüche#Spaltenumbr.C3.BCche
rect 626 127 722 146 Übersicht_Umbrüche#Abschnittswechsel
rect 744 70 899 95 Seitenlayout
rect 744 95 893 123 Seitenlayout#Layout-Funktionen
rect 749 123 897 152 Seitenlayout#Abstand_nach_ein.2Faus
rect 917 68 1029 158 Tabellen_in_Word_gestalten
rect 1038 73 1086 157 Das_firesys-Layout
desc none
The functions
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Good to know
You will find an overview of the text formats and their use in the “Quick Reference Guide” you received with your firesys template. |
The following elements are available:
→ Go to the main article on the StyleGuide
Keyboard shortcut: Alt + S, T
Makes the text formats which were developed especially for your document according to the StyleGuide available in a separate task area.
Text formats
Makes the text formats available in a menu.
Style display
This shows the style that is currently selected in the text.
Text formatting
Formatting such as bold, italics and superscript, provided these are available in your layout.
Highlights the selected text in colour (“textmarker”).
Hanging indent
Inserts or removes a hanging indent at the cursor position.
Reset formatting
Resets manual text and paragraph formatting (e.g. changes to the font size or paragraph alignment) to the defined standard in the format.
Remove typography highlighting
Removes the coloured highlighting with which the typography functions are identified.
Remove baseline highlighting
Removes highlighting in the aligned paragraphs.
See also
All formatting options in Word
The StyleGuide
Use special characters in firesys
Breaks in firesys
The page layout in firesys