The page layout

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When working with firesys, if you are in the “*Layout” menu ribbon, you can quickly access tools that assist you with creating and maintaining your document layout.

<imagemap>Datei:EN Word Gestaltung Imagemap Seitenlayout.jpg|center rect 3 69 213 175 Die_Basisfunktionen_von_firesys rect 217 70 288 175 Der_StyleGuide rect 293 70 452 175 Texte_hervorheben rect 459 70 614 95 Übersicht_der_Sonderzeichen rect 457 97 611 124 Übersicht_der_Sonderzeichen#H.C3.A4ngender_Einzug.2A rect 460 128 612 150 Übersicht_der_Sonderzeichen#Format_zur.C3.BCcksetzen rect 623 71 729 98 Übersicht_Umbrüche rect 624 100 725 123 Übersicht_Umbrüche#Spaltenumbr.C3.BCche rect 626 127 722 146 Übersicht_Umbrüche#Abschnittswechsel rect 744 70 899 95 Seitenlayout rect 744 95 893 123 Seitenlayout#Layout-Funktionen rect 749 123 897 152 Seitenlayout#Abstand_nach_ein.2Faus rect 917 68 1029 158 Tabellen_in_Word_gestalten rect 1038 73 1086 157 Das_firesys-Layout desc none </imagemap>

RxbtnPosElements 16.png Position element

Positions a table, frame or graphics at fixed positions on the page. There are six selection options for aligning the object with either the page margin (type area) or the outer edge of the page.

RxmnuLayoutFunctions 16.png Layout functions

RxbtnPagenumbering 16.png Page numbering

Here you can define with which parameters the page numbers in your document should be defined. The generally required number format can be defined and you can also determine whether and with which formatting chapter numbers should be displayed.

RxbtnTypeArea 16.png Type area

Select the type area for the current section or the entire document. In the example you see two pages with identical contents. The page on the left was formatted with the “Wide” type area that is defined by firesys; the page on the right is formatted with the “Narrow” type area which is also defined. You can also select to which part of your document you want to apply the required type area setting – and whether your type area should be adapted to the desired display of left and right pages (important for an ideal layout in book format) of your document.

Word Gestaltung Satzspiegel-Vergleich.jpg

RxbtnTwoColumn 16.png 1, 2 columns

Changes the number of text columns for the current section. This affects:

  • the section your cursor is in (nothing is selected).
  • the highlighted text (a section break is inserted before and after this section).

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

The settings for multiple columns in your document are customer-specific and are stored in your MeetingPoint - so this menu can also display other column configurations (e.g. also for three columns).

Word Gestaltung Spaltenvergleich.jpg

RxbtnDocumentInfoLine 16.png Document information on/off

Hides/unhides the internal information line in the footer. This line can contain the file name and additional information (saved by/on/at (time)...). Please note: If paragraph marks are unhidden, hidden text is displayed dotted but is not printed.

RxbtnAbstandNach 16.png Space after on/off

Sets the space after a paragraph to the default style or to 0.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg All formatting options in Word
Navigation rechts.svg The StyleGuide
Navigation rechts.svg Highlight text
Navigation rechts.svg Line breaks in firesys
Navigation rechts.svg Special characters in firesys

Further contents

firesys website
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