Coloured highlighting in Excel

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Here you see an overview of the content-related structure of your Excel data by using coloured highlighting.

<imagemap>Datei:Excel_Status_Menüband-Vorrollen.jpg|1200px|center rect 3 85 219 203 Die_Basisfunktionen_von_firesys rect 224 85 511 202 Das_StatusCockpit rect 515 85 593 201 Der_Blatt-Inspektor rect 597 86 721 202 Farbige_Markierungen_in_Excel rect 725 86 800 200 Der_Blatt-Navigator rect 802 85 885 200 Der_Blattstatus rect 890 83 1108 201 Die_Vorrollen-Funktion

desc none </imagemap>

Set highlighting

When working in Excel with firesys, you can fill the cells in your document with content in different ways. To give you a quick overview of which cells contain not just pure text or manually entered numerical values without special functions (validations, for example), you can automatically set coloured highlighting for some cell types.

If you have selected several highlights that should be displayed, then only one coloured highlighting is ever displayed (even if an Excel cell meets the conditions that several highlights could be displayed). The prioritisation here is identical to the sequence listed below and the sequence of the buttons in the drop-down menu.

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

As soon as one or more highlighting has been set, the relevant highlighting type is used throughout the document. If you add more worksheets or change the structure of the existing worksheets, then the highlighting is applied the next time the document is opened or the relevant highlighting is also set to the new document areas.

Error cells

Highlights all cells containing Excel errors in magenta. This displays #WERT! / #DIV/0! / #NAME? / #BEZUG! / #NULL! and #ZAHL! errors. TBD

Excel Status Markierungen Fehlerzellen.jpg

Validation cells

Highlights all cells that are part of a validation with a green or red background. All error-free validations are highlighted in green and all validations where there is a deviation are highlighted in red. Green highlighting is also applied to validations whose deviation was approved beforehand.

Excel Status Markierungen Validierungen.jpg
Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

The highlighting of validations respond dynamically with a colour change. For example, a validation that was previously error-free and highlighted in green is immediately highlighted in red if a deviation occurs during editing.

Dictionary cells

Highlights all cells that are linked to the firesys dictionary in light blue.

Excel Status Markierung Wörterbuchzellen.jpg

Formula cells

Highlights all cells that contain an invisible formula in grey.

Excel Status Markierung Formelzellen.jpg

Glühbirne neu.png
Good to know

By the internal formula of dictionary cells, these are also highlighted if the formula cells can be highlighted in colour.

Remove highlight

Removes the highlighting of the cells that are highlighted in colour. You can select whether individual or all highlighting types should be removed.

See also

Navigation hoch.svg The worksheet status in Excel
Navigation rechts.svg The_StatusCockpitThe StatusCockpit
Navigation rechts.svg The worksheet inspector
Navigation rechts.svg The worksheet navigator
Navigation rechts.svg The worksheet status in Excel
Navigation rechts.svg The rolling forward function

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